Enhance the Customer Service Experience with our new AI Chatbot

The new AI Chatbot.
Otherwise known as our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot, the ESP Chatbot can provide personalized interactions to your subscribers 24x7x365 without human interaction. Help subscribers get updated information, direct them to new offers and ensure they are completely satisfied after their customer service contact all from the home page of your site.
How does it work?
You would add some code to your home page (or any page that you want the Chatbot to reside on). The Chatbot would discreetly be viewable in the lower right-hand corner and then would minimize itself if the customer doesn’t utilize it.You can view a sample here with a live publication: https://glreview.org/
The AI Chatbot has already been customized to use the data that is specific to your publications, so it’s ready to go right now with the custom customer service pages, colors, and links for your publication.
What questions will the Bot answer?
The bot will attempt to correctly answer every question. When it doesn’t know the answer, it will usually direct the customer to the FAQ or other pages that you can designate.
Most of the answers will be a link where the subscriber can perform the function or get an answer to their inquiry.
A partial list of common questions that have been tested to provide good answers are:
- Where do I subscribe?
- How do I update my account?
- Can I pay my bill?
- How do I renew?
- What is my expire date?
- What is my password?
This bot has an artificial brain (AKA artificial intelligence), users don’t have to be specific when talking to it. The bot understands language not just commands. The bot gets “smarter” as it learns from conversations it has had.
The great thing is that it’s so easy to install!
The Chatbot will get better over time as we update the knowledge-base to provide new or more refined answers. We can create the Chatbot box to match your web page, we can assign it a specific name, the possibilities are endless.
All you have to do is contact your AE and we can get you started with using the AI Chatbot!